We understand that buying an item for personal safety is an important issue and it’s something to get right. Our goal is to give you the knowledge to make your choice as easy as possible.

Safety products can vary depending on manufacturer; whether it’s a defibrillator, a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher or simply a pack of plasters! Costs can vary across the spectrum. Here, we are going to tell you why.

Before lunging into a purchase, there are two questions you need to ask:

  1. What is this product going to do for me?

  2. Is this product user friendly?

The answer to these questions can be unknown until the purchase has been made, by which time it can be too late. And in some cases, a life can be on the line.

What can make the cost increase?

Have you heard of - “you get what you pay for”?

Simply put, the more functions you require from a product, the more it will cost. But do you need them said functions to do the job.

For example, a defibrillator will administer the voltage of shock whether it is audible or has HD visual screen. The shock is the same output, and will deliver the same results, yet it will cost more due to having the HD screen.

Another example, a disposable triangular bandage will support a broken arm just the same as a woven triangular bandage, yet it will be a lot cheaper due to its material.

Also, what makes the cost increase is the country of manufacture. Shipping costs have increased significantly over the last few years, so the further it has to travel to the UK, the greater the cost of purchase.

What can keep costs down?

One big way to keep costs down is to buy in bulk. Alot of retailers will discount items if you email them with your requirements and depending how many you wish to order will usually determine the amount of discount available.

Another way to keep costs down is to plan your needs for the proposed product you wish to purchase. What will you need the product for?

For example, if you were going to purchase a vehicle first aid kit for the car, it might be cheaper to purchase a general first aid kit in a box, and then purchase an empty bag to use in the car. That would save buying a specific car first aid kit which would be more expensive.

Another example is you might want 2 first aid kits. By purchasing a bigger first aid kit and an empty box, you could split the contents between the 2 boxes. Now you have 2 first aid kits.

Why are some retailers expensive?

The prices of retailers can vary across the UK and overseas. There are a number of reasons why this could be:

  1. Geography - depending on where the retailer is located, customers are willing to pay more for a product. For example, products in London will be more expensive the products further north.

  2. Storage space - some retailers do not have sufficient storage space, so they are unable to order products from the manufacturers in bulk. Smaller orders will mean higher purchase costs for them as they do not have the buying power compared to bigger retailers.

  3. Quality of product - this links back to our earlier quote “you get what you pay for”. Some products will cost more if they are of better quality. But please remember there is a ceiling price for any product. If you pay above this, you will be paying too much.

  4. Overpricing - Unfortunately some retailers pray on the unsuspecting customer. The customer who will pay too much for the product because the customer doesn’t have the knowledge to know better. Be very careful as some retailers with powerful branding are charging almost 100% more than smaller brand competitors for the same product.

Why are some retailers really cheap?

This is a reason why some customers are not purchasing the right product which is best for them. Either they have been ill-advised, or they have bought too cheap, so the product is not effective in an emergency.

Alternatively, there are genuine reasons why the product can be cheaper to the customer:

  1. Storage space - some retailers have more storage space, so they have the buying power to purchase from manufacturer in bulk.

  2. Quality of product - Remember “you get what you pay for”. Some products will cost less if they are of rubbish quality.

Please ask yourself the question why this is so cheap. If it’s too good to be true, then it usually is.

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